
SpectrumGenerator.apply_lsf(function=None, width=None, filename=None)[source]

Postprocess a spectrum to apply a line spread function. If the SpectrumGenerator already has an LSF_kernel set, it will be used when no keywords are supplied. Otherwise, the user can specify a filename of a user-defined kernel or a function+width for a kernel. Valid functions are: “boxcar” and “gaussian”.

For more information, see LSF and Instrument.



string, optional

Desired functional form for the applied LSF kernel. Valid options are currently “boxcar” or “gaussian” Default: None


int, optional

Width of the desired LSF kernel in bin elements Default: None


string, optional

The filename of the user-supplied kernel for applying the LSF Default: None


Make a one zone ray and generate a COS spectrum for it. Apply the COS line spread function to it.

>>> import trident
>>> ray = trident.make_onezone_ray()
>>> sg = trident.SpectrumGenerator('COS')
>>> sg.make_spectrum(ray)
>>> sg.apply_lsf()
>>> sg.plot_spectrum('spec_lsf_corrected.png')

Make a one zone ray and generate a spectrum with bin width = 1 angstrom. Apply a boxcar LSF to it with width 50 angstroms.

>>> import trident
>>> ray = trident.make_onezone_ray()
>>> sg = trident.SpectrumGenerator(lambda_min=1100, lambda_max=1200, dlambda=1)
>>> sg.make_spectrum(ray)
>>> sg.apply_lsf(function='boxcar', width=50)
>>> sg.plot_spectrum('spec_lsf_corrected.png')