
SpectrumGenerator.add_gaussian_noise(snr, seed=None)[source]

Postprocess a spectrum to add gaussian random noise of a given SNR.




The desired signal-to-noise ratio for determining the amount of gaussian noise


optional, int

Seed for the random number generator. This should be used to ensure than the same noise is added each time the spectrum is regenerated, if desired. Default: None


Make a one zone ray and generate a COS spectrum for it. Add noise to the spectrum as though it were observed with a signal to noise ratio of 30.

>>> import trident
>>> ray = trident.make_onezone_ray(redshift=0.5)
>>> sg = trident.SpectrumGenerator('COS')
>>> sg.make_spectrum(ray)
>>> sg.add_gaussian_noise(30)
>>> sg.plot_spectrum('spec_noise_corrected.png')

Plot a DLA with SNR of 10.

>>> import trident
>>> ray = trident.make_onezone_ray(column_densities={'H_p0_number_density':1e21})
>>> sg = trident.SpectrumGenerator(lambda_min=1200, lambda_max=1300, dlambda=0.1)
>>> sg.make_spectrum(ray, lines=['Ly a'])
>>> sg.add_gaussian_noise(10)
>>> sg.plot_spectrum('spec_noise.png')