Source code for trident.config

Trident config


# Copyright (c) 2017, Trident Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

import os
from configparser import \
    ConfigParser, \
import shutil
import tempfile
import sys

from trident.utilities import \
    ensure_directory, \
    get_datafiles, \

[docs]def trident(): """ Print a Trident ASCII logo to the screen. """ print(""" MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............................................................. M...B....C....D...M.MMMMMMMMMM.......MM........MM.....................MM7....... M...MM...M...MM...M.....MM.....................MM.....................MM7....... M....MM..M..MM....M.....MM...MMMMMM..MM..MMMMMMMM..MMMMMMM..MMDMMMMM MMMMMMM.... M....MM..M..MM....M.....MM...MM ..MM.MM. MM....MM.,MM...MM+.MM....MM..MM7....... M.....MMMMMMM.....M.....MM...MM......MM. MM....MM.8MMMMMMMD.MM....MM..MM7....... M....... M........M.....MM...MM......MM..MM...8MM. MM...._..MM....MM..MMZ.MM ... M........M........M.....MM...MM......MM..MMMMM.MM. MMMMMMM..MM....MM...MMMMM.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............................................................. """)
[docs]def trident_path(): """ Return the path where the trident source is installed. Useful for identifying where data files are (e.g. path/data). Note that ion table datafiles are downloaded separate and placed in another location according to the ~/.trident/config.tri file. **Example** >>> print(trident_path()) """ # os.path.split(__file__)returns a tuple with [0] the path to the file # and [1] the filename. # Here, __file__ refers to this file ( return os.path.split(__file__)[0]
def create_config(): """ Create a Trident configuration file using interaction with the user. This function is called by :class:`~trident.parse_config` if it appears that the configuration has not yet been set up for the user. It will attempt to create a configuration file and download an ion table datafile from the web. It does this using user interaction from the python prompt. """ default_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.trident')) trident() print("It appears that this is your first time using Trident. To finalize your") print("Trident installation, you must:") print(" * create a `~/.trident` directory") print(" * create a config.tri file in your `~/.trident` directory") print(" * download an ion table file for calculating ionization fractions") print("") print("You can do this manually by following the installation docs, or we can") print("do it automatically now if you have web access.") print("") print("Would you like to do this automatically? ([y]/n)") value = input().rstrip() if not value == '' and not value == 'y': sys.exit('Instructions at') print("") print("Where would you like Trident to store the ion table file?") print("[%s]" % default_dir) # First assure that the .trident directory is created for storing # the config file. ensure_directory(default_dir) datadir = input().rstrip() if datadir == '': datadir = default_dir datadir = os.path.expanduser(datadir) # Try to create data directory if it doesn't exist try: ensure_directory(datadir) print("Using %s" % datadir) print("") except BaseException: print("Cannot create directory %s" % datadir) raise # Get the datafile from the web datafile = get_datafiles(datadir=datadir) # Create the config file and make it to the datadir and datafiles chosen config = ConfigParser() config.add_section('Trident') config.set('Trident', 'ion_table_dir', datadir) config.set('Trident', 'ion_table_file', datafile) config_filename = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.trident', 'config.tri')) with open(config_filename, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print("") print("Installation complete. I recommend verifying your installation") print("to assure that everything is working. Try: trident.verify()") # Return the config file path so we can load it and get parameters. return config_filename def parse_config(variable=None): """ Parse the Trident local configuration file. This function is called whenever Trident is imported, and it assures that Trident knows where the default ion table datafiles exist. If a ``config.tri`` file doesn't exist in ``$HOME/.trident`` or in the current working directory, then Trident will launch the :class:`~trident.create_config` function to try to automatically generate one for the user. For more information on this process, see the installation documentation. **Parameters** :variable: string, optional If you wish to get the value a variable is set to in the config file, specify that variable name here. Will return the result value of that variable. Default: None """ # Assure the ~/.trident directory exists, and read in the config file. home = os.path.expanduser("~") directory = os.path.join(home, '.trident') config_filename = os.path.join(directory, 'config.tri') # If config file exists in current directory, use it instead of file in # $HOME/.trident. Stopgap for situations where user cannot access $HOME local_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'config.tri') if os.path.exists(local_filename): config_filename = local_filename try: parser = ConfigParser() ion_table_dir = parser.get('Trident', 'ion_table_dir') ion_table_file = parser.get('Trident', 'ion_table_file') except NoSectionError: config_filename = create_config() parser = ConfigParser() ion_table_dir = parser.get('Trident', 'ion_table_dir') ion_table_file = parser.get('Trident', 'ion_table_file') ion_table_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(ion_table_dir)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ion_table_dir, ion_table_file)): print("") print("No ion table data file found in %s" % ion_table_dir) ion_table_file = get_datafiles(ion_table_dir) parser.set('Trident', 'ion_table_file', ion_table_file) with open(config_filename, 'w') as configfile: parser.write(configfile) # value to return depends on what was set for "variable" if variable is None: return ion_table_dir, ion_table_file else: return parser.get('Trident', variable)
[docs]def verify(save=False): """ Verify that the bulk of Trident's functionality is working. First, it ensures that the user has a configuration file and ion table datafile, and creates/downloads these files if they do not exist. Next, it creates a single-cell grid-based dataset in memory, generates a ray by sending a sightline through that dataset, then makes a spectrum from the ray object. It saves all data to a tempdir before deleting it. **Parameters** :save: boolean, optional By default, verify saves all of its outputs to a temporary directory and then removes it upon completion. If you would like to see the resulting data from verify(), set this to be True and it will save a light ray, and raw and processed spectra in the current working directory. Default: False **Example** Verify Trident works. >>> import trident >>> trident.verify() """ parse_config() from trident.spectrum_generator import SpectrumGenerator from trident.ray_generator import make_simple_ray print("") print("Creating single-cell dataset") print("----------------------------") print("") try: ds = make_onezone_dataset() except BaseException: print("Failed to create single-cell dataset") raise print("") print("Creating ray object through single-cell dataset") print("-----------------------------------------------") print("") if save: tempdir = '.' else: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: ray = make_simple_ray(ds, start_position=ds.domain_left_edge, end_position=ds.domain_right_edge, data_filename=os.path.join(tempdir, 'ray.h5'), fields=['density', 'temperature', 'metallicity']) except BaseException: print("Failed to create ray object") raise print("") print("Create spectrum with Lyman alpha, Mg II, and O VI lines") print("-------------------------------------------------------") print("") sg = SpectrumGenerator('COS') sg.make_spectrum(ray, lines=['Ly a', 'Mg II', 'O VI']) sg.save_spectrum(os.path.join(tempdir, 'spec_raw.h5')) sg.plot_spectrum(os.path.join(tempdir, 'spec_raw.png')) # Test other post processing of the spectrum sg.add_qso_spectrum() sg.add_milky_way_foreground() sg.apply_lsf() sg.add_gaussian_noise(30) sg.save_spectrum(os.path.join(tempdir, 'spec_final.h5')) sg.plot_spectrum(os.path.join(tempdir, 'spec_final.png')) if not save: print("Removing all temporary data files...") shutil.rmtree(tempdir) print("") print("Congratulations, you have verified that Trident is installed correctly.") print("Now let's science!") print("")
# Each time Trident is imported, we determine the settings from the config # file or try to create a config file. But don't do this on readthedocs, or # it will fail in the build. In readthedocs environment, just set a dummy # filepath so readthedocs can parse the docstrings OK. on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True' if on_rtd: ion_table_dir = trident_path() ion_table_file = '' ion_table_filepath = os.path.join(ion_table_dir, ion_table_file) else: ion_table_dir, ion_table_file = parse_config() ion_table_filepath = os.path.join(ion_table_dir, ion_table_file)